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Entering the Conversation

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It is absolutely amazing to see that the United States is taking a big step in reducing animal testing. I’ve noticed that a few other countries are also on the roll in doing the same. Although the governments of those countries have not properly realised that step just yet, the persistence and the ongoing education on the issue could change people’s mind-sets and in time will definitely make an impact to bring about a difference. Just recently, a report has shown that the Japanese citizens themselves are the ones who want to end cosmetic animal testing based on results from a national opinion poll. The #BeCrueltyFree campaign that was run by the Japanese was also able to commission similar polls in some of the world’s key cosmetic markets that have shown consumers the end of the ugly practices in the cosmetic industry. With that, we can see that the realisation has to start among the individuals of the public first as they are consumers of these animal tested products. If the purchasing stops, the production will stop too.

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